Dynamics of construction as of 23.04.20


Dear clients! We do not stop to create your dream apartments. We offer you to get acquainted with the up-to-date dynamics of construction. The status of the works is fixed as of 04/23/20.

Section 1

Facade arrangement - 3%

Roof arrangement - 80%

Wall and partition arrangement - entrance groups - 98%

Installation of metal-plastic structures, entrance doors to apartments and doors of MZK - 95%

Section 2

Monolithic frame arrangement - 98%

Roof arrangement - 70%

Wall and partition arrangement - 98%

Installation of metal-plastic structures, entrance doors to apartments and doors of MZK - 65%

Section 3

Horizontal element 18 floor

Arrangement of walls and partitions 12 floors

Section 4

Horizontal element 18 floor

Arrangement of walls and partitions 15 floors

Section 5

Arrangement of the base plate

Opening of the monolithic frame

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