Dynamics of construction in April


Dear buyers! Your homes are growing right before your eyes! And we are happy to record the dynamics every month and share information with you!

We bring to your attention the dynamics of construction in April.

House 1
Section 1

Installation of elevators and commissioning - 90%
Finishing of common areas and special rooms - 88%
Internal water supply and sewerage system, heating, electricity supply, fire protection systems - 80%

Section 2
Roof installation - 100%.
Installation of facades - 99%
Installation of elevators and commissioning - 90%
Finishing of common areas and special rooms - 89%
Internal water supply and sewerage system, heating, electricity supply, fire protection systems - 84%

Section 3
Roof installation - 60%.
Installation of facades - 74%
Internal water supply and sewerage system, heating, electricity supply, fire protection systems - 80%
Finishing of common areas and special rooms - 70%
Installation of metal-plastic structures, entrance doors to the apartment and  doors - 75%.

Section 4
Roof installation - 50%.
Installation of facades - 51%
Internal water supply and sewerage system, heating, electricity supply, fire protection systems - 80%
Finishing of common areas and special rooms - 62%

Section 5
Installation of a monolith of the 20th floor
Masonry walls 16 floors

Section 6
Installation of a monolith of the 18nd floor
Masonry walls 12 floors

Section 7
Installation of a monolith of the 12nd floor
Masonry walls 10 floors

Arrangement of a monolithic framework (1 part) - 92%
Arrangement of a monolithic framework (2 part) - 86%
Internal water supply and sewerage system, heating, electricity supply, fire protection systems - 5%

House 2
Section 8
Arrangement monolithic frame below zero - 80%
Arrangement of a waterproofing, warming of a cellar part of the building - 20%

Section 9
Arrangement monolithic frame below zero - 7%

Section 10
Arrangement pits - 80%
Foundation plate device - 60%

See the full photo report in the section "Construction progress"

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