Dynamics of construction in August


Dear buyers! Your homes are growing right before your eyes! And we are happy to record the dynamics every month and share information with you!

We bring to your attention the dynamics of construction in August.

Section 1
Installation of facades - 82%
Roof installation - 92%.
Installation of elevators and commissioning - 20%
Finishing of common areas and special rooms -42%
Internal water supply and sewerage system, heating, electricity supply, fire protection systems - 25%

Section 2
Roof installation - 87%.
Installation of facades - 82%
Installation of elevators and commissioning - 20%
Finishing of common areas and special rooms -45%
Internal water supply and sewerage system, heating, electricity supply, fire protection systems - 25%

Section 3
Installation of walls and partitions of the 24th floor - 80%

Section 4
Installation of walls and partitions of the 22nd floor - 75%

Section 5
Installation of a monolith of the 6th floor

Section 6
Installation of a monolith of the 2nd floor

Section 7
Installation of a monolith of basements

See the full photo report in the section "Construction progress"

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