Nextbike station is installed on "Prychal-8"


Being mobile is POSSIBLE even during the quarantine.

Bike. With its help you can not only easily get to work, but also relax after a long sitting at home. Moreover, it is as eco-friendly and healthy as any outdoor activity could be. Agree, that's the best option now! Intergal-Bud fully suports such services which totally coincide with our corporate values ​​and, most importantly, useful for our clients.

That is why Intergal-Bud and Nextbike (a public bicycle rental company in Kiev) have collaboratively installed branded bicycle stations on the territory of all Intergal-Bud metropolitan complexes. We are glad to announce that now rent bicycles are available to residents of Prychal-8 complex at any time! Come on, enjoy riding a bike! Convenient for those who live or work nearby.

Full service mannual is available at

Note that Nextbike received all the obligatory permits to travel the city by bikes, signed by the head of the Kiev Administration (

During the quarantine bikes undergo a complete disinfection for your safety.

Long-term investment in the prosperity and safety of Kyiv citizens and support the development of eco-transport - one of the main points of the Intergal-Bud large-scale eco-program. At the beginning of the year, garbage sorting was implemented at most existing complexes. All residential complexes are equipped with gas stations for electric vehicles. The renovation project of Nyvky Park is to be started in the nearest future.

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